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How are we doing is very important, how will we be doing is even more. Would it be for budgeting purpose, team management or strategy definition.
Nadii will provide you future insights and in-depth analytics, which brings instant added value. The software will cooperate with you and relieve a real pain from your teams and employees.
Nadii delivers to you past and future insights on the most important topics. The software was developed by using agile methodology. As a result he can be easily customised to your preferences. It means that you finally get full control on your past and future performance, KPIs as well as cash flow.
All hidden problems become clearly visible
Right after installing Nadii, all hidden problems like overstocks or misses get to the surface. This should in theory be a very unpleasant moment for the teams, but the key is to work with management to avoid blaming. Planners and logisticians face many challenges every day and Nadii can be very helpful for them, because all the detailed information he provides can be used to understand each problem better and to solve it easily.

Traditional vs AI-driven analytics
In real life teams usually do not analyse details, because they just don’t have time or reliable data for that. They just play it safe which means that their ordering decisions are based on feelings, average forecasts or inflating stocks. They do it this way in fear of being found guilty when the stock is missing. Surprisingly this strategy involves a lot of stockouts, because traditional forecasting systems are not very precise and make many mistakes. Nadii is a fully customised tailor-made solution, which use self-learning and auto-adaptive algorithms driven by technologies based on artificial intelligence.
Quickly encourages you to cooperate
During first few weeks most planners and managers check all Nadii recommendations, but shortly after they discover that the software is very precise and reliable. Then they start a real cooperation, feeling like they have a friendly tool working for them in a transparent way.

Autonomic and fully transparent system
There is nothing more wrong than a blackbox, because you never know when and why it fails, and most systems work like that. Nadii aims at real autonomy, which is knowing when to work alone and when to ask for help. The software is transparent, because it reports all its own and users’ past and forecasted future performance at any level and any time.
Knows when to ask for help
Nadii gives aftermaths feedback on its own action but also on users decisions against recommendations, building mutual lessons learnt. What’s more he goes beyond, as he permanently double checks his own recommendations and can detect when to ask for help from users. Nadii uses interpretable engine, which can be understood and explained with the help of Nadii team. Therefore we can react to deviations during maintenance phase without involving any side effect.